Buster Fox & Bid Rigging microburst
Idea + Design + Instructional Design
Learning Objective (outcome-oriented goal or purpose for creating the course): Remediation effort & Awareness Campaign targeting Business Units that may put Dell at risk.
Learning Outcomes (what Learner is intended to be able to do after completing the course): Learner will understand Dell Technologies’ Ethical standards, identify bid-rigging, know the consequences and be informed of how to report ethical concerns without fear of retaliation.
Scope: Design a microburst course that takes 5-10 min to complete.
The Pitch: to increase learner retention I suggested creating an original illustrated mascot: Buster Fox unethical behavior consultant. Rather than tell the Learner what to do, Buster tempts them to do wrong. Learner gets the training to successfully outwit the fox and avoid/report bid rigging reducing risk to Dell.
Script Process: Meet subject matter experts which included lawyers and investigators. I researched policies, resources and webinars on bid rigging. I wrote a script that is formatted so that when it was sent to translation, it would be easy to cross check the XLF files that are imported into the other versions of this course. Review script sample here.
Tools: Watercolor pencils, 150 lbs. paper, Articulate 360 Rise, Adobe Illustrator, MS Word, & LRN’s Catalyst LMS that was originally assigned, but expanded to an on-demand audience.
Discovery: Developing a mascot
My process was to start with what a real fox looks like and then find the character through anthropomorphism. Buster Fox is a very dapper dresser.