Leading with Integrity: hi ethics program

Instructional Design + Graphic Design + Project MGMT

Learning Objective (outcome-oriented goal or purpose for creating the course): FY23 Culture Survey results of 74, 273 team members felt:

  • 52% frequently heard from their direct supervisor on the importance of integrity & ethical topics. 

  • 64% believed their manager would support them for reporting an ethics concern

Learning Outcomes (what Learner is intended to be able to do after completing the course): Learner will understand Dell Technologies’ Ethical standards, identify bid-rigging, know the consequences and how to report ethical concerns without fear of retaliation.

Scope: Design a 15 minute Leader to Manager program, resources for manager to direct reports conversations, centralized repository that tracked usage, format that offered versatility and a survey device for team members to provide feedback on content (plus hold their manager accountable). Our teams recommended to Leadership a Train the Trainer approach using a 4M approach:

The Pitch: Whenever Ethics & Compliance shows up, people immediately feel like they are being investigated or adding to their workload with trainings. I wanted something that was friendly and saw a ‘hi‘ in the center of the word ‘ethics‘ so made several variations on the logo.

Research: I then interviewed several managers on what they include in their monthly team meetings and found they were interested in quarterly speaking on ethical topics if the resources were as simple as dropping it in to their PPT decks.

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PDF, MS Word, MS Forms, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Viva Insights, Service Now platform

to train the leaders of managers

Leading with Integrity: Senior Leader Kick-off presentation

To Train Managers and provide quarterly resources: chat packs

Designed to easily drop into the Manager’s All-Hands/Team Meeting PPT. This version focuses on Ethical tone: