Risc Vegas Zombie Kings prototype
Idea + Concept Art + Graphic Design + Presentation Design + Event Planning

Don’t limit your options to solve a problem:
The Dell IT RISC Team had a break out session at Dell World. They wanted to showcase their amazing software that monitored natural & human disasters then rerouted orders or deployed IT Staff. The team was convinced they needed a software explainer video that used an actual hurricane event for a successful case study.
I asked if the presenter was controlling the video from a laptop? No the files were driven by an A/V company from the back of the room. The Presenter only had a clicker to pause/play/rewind or fast-forward.
Was there time for rehearsals? No. The team was only approved to fly in that morning & the room was booked back to back.
What if an audience member asked a question, was the presenter confident they could pause the video on the correct frame, take the question, maybe need to rewind & then return to the presentation? The answer was no.
I suggested using PowerPoint as a convincing forgery of the software the presenter could easily control with a clicker. They had very preconceived notions of what a PPT could do, but approved developing the concept. I met with their engineers, was given access to the software, & made a 4K prototype that could be scaled down to an HD screen. This would enable them to zoom into a feature of the software. They loved it, but we agreed the hurricane data used wasn’t very dramatic.
What if the audience felt trapped in a convention center as a biological world ending event unfolded and only the RISC software could save them?
Not just any Zombies, but the King
Not only did they approve the idea, but contracted several Elvis impersonators in zombie makeup. While canned air horns screeched & the rooms lights flickered, the Zombie Kings’ kicked open doors, rushed the room, tossed out wrapped candy eyeballs & gummy brains to a freaked out audience before running out. After the lights came back on, the audience laughed & applauded. After the session, audience members took selfies with the Zombie Kings in the hallway & were encouraged to use #RiscAims4theHead.
I swapped customer data out with GOT references. All news articles, absurd headlines & banner ads I wrote. All images were composited in Adobe Photoshop. Somehow it was approved by legal & brand.